Monday, May 17, 2010

It's good to be Vincent Chase...

Lets talk about Entourage. Woman have "Sex and the City", men have "Entourage". I can honestly say this is one of my new favorite shows. I know that it is NOT new, but it is new to me. I have become addicted to it's humor, unreal lifestyle, and characters. The show revolves around the young Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier who is one of the sexiest men alive, no seriously, I would love nothing more than to lick things off of him) who is an up and coming movie star. Eric "E" Murphy plays his tiny, yet reliable long term friend and manager. Johnny Chase "Johnny Drama" plays Vince's older brother and C list actor ( with a hilarious temper that gets him into unreal situations). And last but not least is Turtle, who serves as driver, friend, security, and a general part of the entourage ( he is my favorite because he reminds me of my brother, who i love dearly). The guys have grown up together in Queens and moved out to LA when Vince wanted to act in movies. The writing on the show is simply fantastic, and it really shows how guys act around each other, which makes this show totally geared towards girls too. Ari Gold plays Vince's agent. Jeremy Piven is a fantastic actor. He is one of the most loveable jerks you will ever watch on TV, and he makes foul language sound like children's poetry. He he grotesque, crude, and utterly amazing. Also, look out for Lloyd, Ari's assistant in the second season, he is just the most awkward and oddly perfect character to place next to Ari. The show really gives a good whirlwind look at the life of a movie star in LA, as well as the inner-workings of males and their friends.

this is one of my favorite Ari Gold moments.

Eric: We had breakup-sex, all right?
Johnny Drama: Breakup-sex? Never heard of it.
Eric: Yeah, I mean... you know... you have sex and... that's it - you say goodbye.
Johnny Drama: [pauses to think] That's the only kinda sex I have.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Touched for the very first time...

I will be the first to admit it, I never really like her. I never purchased a Madonna album in my life. I never had Madonna posters on my wall, and I never wore half gloves in honor of her majesty ( granted, I didn't grow up in the 80's but Madonna is still making records today). I often thought she was too old to be acting the way she does today ( and a part of me still feels that way), but I have realized something about Madonna recently. She is a genius. I never realized before, partly because I don't think I was letting myself really accept her as someone who should be played on my ipod regularly. She found a way to really become an icon for women. As a woman, I can honestly say I feel sexier when I listen to Madonna. She put herself out there for the world to criticize, and criticize it did (me included). But she honestly didn't let it stop her, she is a powerful woman (maybe a little skanky too) and she now has my respect. I say this all professionally of course. I have never met the woman, I have no idea what she is like in the comforts of her own home. But I can honestly say that as of a week or so ago I have become an expert on her powerful lyrics, her soft and dramatic music videos, and her ability to make me feel shiny and new all over again. If you don't believe me, listen to "Express Yourself" or even "Like a Prayer" and release yourself into the epicness of her music. The woman actually re-invented the music video and turned it into something beautiful, not stupid. She has a wonderful artistic eye, and I would love to shake her hand one day.

NOW, there is one thing I would like to say to Madonna. If she were here in front of me, this is what I would say ( I mean it, I would really say it)

" Madonna, you are a revelation. You did something for the world that only few people on this earth will ever have the opportunity to do.. change it. I want to thank you for that simple gift of music, and thank you for your passion that drove that music forward. As much as I love you, please stop wearing things that belong on a 20 year old. Age and aging is a gift, it means you are still alive, and you should embrace it and rock a pant suit. There is nothing wrong with getting old. Embrace your epic past and for god sakes keep the music coming, only embrace your age too, and shop at Talbots, not Forever 21".


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

You say you want a revolution?

The Beatles. What would we do without them? Does anyone in this world, not like The Beatles? I have never personally met anyone who does not. Wrap your head around that for one second. What must it have been like to be loved by everyone( save except a few choice parents of the super conservative 50's who thought hand holding let to STD's). To be so revolutionary in this world of ours that generations after your own are still in love with what you've made. Some of the most influential people in this world were hated, mocked, scorned, and pushed aside until the day came when the world realized they were needed. Not the Beatles. From the second they walked out onto the stage in those adorable skinny ties, and sang in to the hearts of America from a black and white 60's TV set, we were hooked. It is impossible to choose a favorite song, and therefore impossible to compare them to any other band. Lets face it, the revolutionary things that happen in this world often pass us by before we have the chance to acknowledge their importance. The events that shake the masses and turn heads of leaders are started by people. Just people. A single choice, a single decision can make something revolutionary happen. I will never underestimate the simple power of music. The simple power of a song, the simplicity of hand holding is revolutionary. I know for a fact that John, Ringo, Paul, and George didn't have these feelings while they were making this change. How could they? People see what they want to see, feel what they want to feel. It doesn't matter what they were trying to do. Whether it was start a revolution, or just get high and write a song, it happened anyway.The Beatles gave the human race something that no other band in history gave us, a revolution. Years and years of songwriting and artistry gave hope and inspiration to millions of people all over the world, relatable inspiration. Maybe someday we will have another chance at witnessing another change like the Bealtes, witnessing another revolution, but until then we can remember what they gave us... the overpowering feeling of music, and the revolution it started.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Feels pretty good, being bad....

Why is that the best movies are always the ones with the bad guys? There is something so incredibly awesome and kick ass about a man in charge with a gun. If the criminals in real life, were like the criminals in the movies, the world really would be a better place. These guys know how to get what they want, and what needs to be done to get it. If you have never seen "Snatch", it is a perfect example of the innocent crook. Plus, Bradd Pitt ( who really is a pretty good actor, despite his life choices, who the heck wants 7 kids?) gets to kick serious ass as champion bare fist fighter in the Pikey realm. He knocks out a 250 lb guys with one punch. The "Boondock Saints" is a vigilante movie about two Irish guys who take it upon themselves to clean up the streets by whacking every major crime boss and their bitches. I mean, they are adorable Irish men who have sweet tattoos and "fuck it all" kind of attitude towards life, but who respect the "family". I think it safe to say that everyone has seen "Reservoir Dogs". This of course is a Quentin Tarantino movie, so the cinematography is excellent and the dialogue really makes the movie great. But who wouldn't want to wear that suit with that skinny little tie? They just walk around giving off the vibe of "I will kill you, don't mess with me" while also getting respect. It is incredibly entertaining to watch criminals and crooks light up the screen because we can never have that kind of lifestyle (well most of us anyways). I know for a fact that if I was living in that circle I would be a sniper, I know this because NO ONE can beat me at laser tag. So instead of taking up this life of crime, I can enjoy my favorite movies and watch really powerful and attractive men do it for me. Keep on it' Turkish.

I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable, I sound my barbaric YAWP over the roofs of the world.

Albert Einstein once said "imagination is more important that knowledge". I believe that this is more true today than it ever was. One of the most popular themes in entertainment is the "think for yourself" story. The first time I saw the dead poets society I had the desire to suck the passion out of life and just be myself. Sometimes it is hard to be able to let go and be the one who has no hang-ups, sometimes it is impossible to just believe that accomplishing your goals is matter of endurance and self motivation. Mr. Keaton took a bunch of words old dead guys wrote, and changed the lives of a group of seventeen year old boys. In Mona Lisa smile, one woman changed the ideals of how a classroom of brain boxed women looked at themselves through art. Looking behind the words, under the paint, these characters proved that the most important opinion is your own. Who cares what other people think? What do YOU think? This is the best part of cinema today, it can prove a point that cannot be expressed with the randomness of every day situations. Characters like these make that knot in your throat surface and the ambition swell beneath your breast. Even though they are characters in a movie, the stories were all written by people. People with the same ambition and willingness to be different, people trying to inspire and impress, people like you and me.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I want to love you

There are a lot of things I do not understand in this world, and one of the ones that haunts me every day is.. what happened to MIchael Jackson. Seriously, what went wrong there? I am going to ignore the fact that he looked like an skin cancer spokesperson/ alien from planet ugly during the last years of his life, and focus on why we all love him.. the music. If he didn't crack up, MIchael Jackson would still be making some of the best music of our generation. Even as a freak of (well i dont want to say nature because it was so un-natural) other worldly-ness, he was one of the top selling artists in history. His songs have to impact to change the way you feel about dancing. I don't think anyone can listen to "Don't stop till you get enough" without some kind of body movement. I personally desire to stand on tables and hip thrust when I listen to that song. There are many people in history that give off those "I'm too cool for school" vibes. Michael Jackson (pre meltdown) had them just leaking out of his pores. The way he moved, spoke, even just stood there was epic. I wish deep in my heart that he was still alive and sane and making me feel like dancing, but I guess I will just have to listen to all the beloved classics and be near tables so I can enjoy him. Watch the video below if you think I underestimate his "bitchin" factor.

Monday, March 1, 2010

What's mine is yours and what's yours is ours...

I think the effect of the "serenade" is either going to be a hit or miss. In all of the examples above, the effect has been what I would call "orgasmic". First of all, lets all just agree right now that Alfalfa singing to Darla in the "Little Rascals" is just nonsensical and adorable. Children trying to be adults is a common theme in comedies, but sometimes it can go badly wrong. Lucky for our generation, this movie was not considered inappropriate, but instead an immediate classic. The serenade is all about timing. I say this because no one wants to be woken up in the middle of the night by a mediocre acoustic guitar performance of "I don't want to miss a thing" with your name strategically put in. The timing must be right, and it must be executed well. Heath Ledger (RIP) had one of the most perfect examples of a serenade should be done. I think we all melted a little bit when we first saw the movie and watched him parade around the bleachers singing "you're just too good to be true". The key is too throw in a little comedy. Heath had some adorable dance moves, help from the marching band, and the guts to slap the ass of a chubby police officer. One of my favorite serenades of all time is Jon Cryer lip singing and dancing to Otis Redding's "Try a Little Tenderness" in Pretty in Pink. His personality as "Duckie" is just perfect. He is the kind of friends you just want to put in your pocket and laugh with all day long. Watching him spin around and impersonate one of the most soulful classics is just fantastic. So gentlement of the world, if you are looking to impress your lady love with a song from your heart these are some good examples of how it should be done. Use a little comedy, pick a song with character (nothing cheesy please), and don't just stand there.. it makes it weird...... Good Luck!